Building an Extension, Part XV

[Part I][Part V][Part X] [Part XI] [Part XII] [Part XIII] [Part XIV] [Part XV]

There was nobody on site for the next couple of days, to give the plaster a chance to start drying. Then, on Friday, every trade seemed to turn up at once, and my beverage-making skills were exercised to the extreme. First the builders arrived – two cups of tea – to install several layers of insulation in the floor:

Next the electricians arrived – one tea, one coffee – to fit some outdoor sockets, a junction box for external lighting, and the inside downlighters:

Finally, just in case we were in any danger of being left with some clean cups in the house, the plumbers arrived – two coffees – to put in a pipe for the outside tap, and connect up the external drainage to the main sewage pipes:

Next time: A floor, and some doors…