This is a Brazilian Portuguese translation of our Season 1 comic “Super Computing” and its commentary, by ADFENO. Click on the image for the full-sized version (or visit ADFENO’s Deviant Art page):

Apenas para mostrar que não somos pôneis com apenas um truque (ou apenas um painel), hora de uma tira multipainel. Esta foi, suponho, em grande parte inspirada pelos vários miliares de horas humanas que são perdidas todos os dias para alegados aplicativos “amigáveis”.
Pontos bônus para o reconhecimento do plano de fundo.
It’s fun to see this old stuff among the latest strips. It gives a hint of the progress made. I’ve just realised that the Greys have got eyebrows arches at some point of their evolution.
It’s a bit like the head ridges on Klingons: there’s a distinct difference between old greys and new ones, but they don’t like to talk about it 😉