Sponsor Vince’s Moustache

Some of you will be familiar with Vince. He’s co-creator of ‘The Greys‘ and ‘Monsters, Inked‘ and does all the really good bits of artwork (the more mediocre ones are usually the work of me, Mark, but I make up for it by doing all the web stuff as well). If you’re the proud (or ashamed) owner of one of our Season 1 & 2 CDs, you might recognise this image of Vince, as he used to look:

A few years have passed since that image was drawn, so the most recent Vince-as-a-grey image comes from our centenary comic:

Ignoring the ravages of time, and the highlighting of hair, you may notice one significant difference between these images: Vince has lost his goatee beard and is currently sporting a clean-shaven look.

However Vince has decided that it’s time for some face-fuzz to make a reappearance, so he’s taking part in “Movember” this year. This will involve him growing a moustache throughout the month of November in order to raise awareness of – and money for – the fight against prostate cancer.

Each morning he’s going through a rigorous routine of a top-lip massage, followed by an intense pouting session (may be repeated throughout the day, depending on mood), a few minutes of alone time with a vacuum cleaner and half an hour of hanging upside down (actually it was only meant to be five minutes, but he got stuck). Basically anything he can do to get the blood flowing to those labial hair follicles is being tried in the name of producing a proud and bushy creation to share with the world at the end of the month.

The exact style of moustache has yet to be decided: I think it’s time to claim back the “Chaplin”, but Vince thinks it’s a bit soon for that. Perhaps he’ll go with the inverse Chaplin known as “The Worf”. With enough hair restorer rubbed into his lip, he might try for something ambitious – a “Lemmy” or a “Handlebar”. If you’ve got any suggestions for a style, just scribble them onto the picture above using any old image editor and send it off to us.

Better still, if you want to sponsor Vince in his efforts – and help a worth charity in the process – then you can do so by clicking here to visit his page on the Movember website:

Sponsor Vince’s Moustache