This strip first appeared in issue #266 of Linux (Pro) Magazine, and takes some heavy inspiration from my own history with computers. I continued using an Atari ST (and later a Falcon) as my main computing device long after they had ceased production, and I was also a big fan of the Apple Newton (and yes, there is a web server available for it, and it supports PCMCIA Ethernet cards as shown in the comic strip).

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↓ Transcript
[Panel 1: Elvie is using an old 80s style phone. In the background various retro devices are visible - a Nintendo Gameboy, an Apple Newton and an Atari ST]

Elvie: I've made a website about using retro tech for modern tasks.

It shows how to mine Bitcoin with a *Gameboy* and how you can still use an *Atari ST* for music production --

-- and the whole site is served from an *Apple Newton*

[Panel 2: James is on the other end of the call, using a modern mobile phone]

James: It sounds great, you'll have to send me the URL

[Panel 3: Elvie is releasing a carrier pigeon from her window]

Elvie: No problem -- it's on its way…