This strip appeared in issue #25 of Linux Voice magazine.

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↓ Transcript
[Panel 1: Elvie is talking to her boss]

Elvie: …it's great that your diet is going so well -- you certainly look a lot slimmer!

Now, moving on to my weekly report…

[Panel 2: Elvie is talking off-panel. The boss is sweating and looking flushed]

Elvie: I set up a *honey pot* server, and wrote a *Java* program to collect samples of *spam*

but a power surge *fried* the *chips*, and now the machine is *toast* -- which leaves us in a bit of a *jam*!

[Thought bubbles show the boss is imagining a tin of spam and jar of jam]

[Panel 3: Elvie is still talking off-panel, but the boss isn't really concentrating on her words anymore]

Elvie: …website…blah…*cookies*… blah…*Apple*…blah… blah…blah…blah… …*Raspberry Pi*… …blah…blah…

[Though bubble shows the boss is thinking about cookies. The image shows him tucking into a tub of ice cream]

Boss: Damn! Why does tech have to sound so tasty!?